Great Yeldham Parish Council

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about our village community. You can access minutes and agendas from Parish Council meetings along with information about Public Consultations currently underway in the village.

If you are new to the village a ‘Welcome Pack is available from the Parish Office or a copy can be down loaded from this website. A bi-monthly 4 Villages Magazine is published which is delivered to every house hold in Gt Yeldham, Little Yeldham, Tilbury Juxta-Clare and Ovington. Copies can be viewed from the website.

We now have a Facebook page. Visit Great Yeldham Parish Council and click on “like” to receive future updates.

4 Villages Magazine

4 Villages Magazine

Published monthly and covering Great Yeldham, LittleYeldham, TilburyJuxta-Clare,

Meet The Councillors

Meet The Councillors

Meet the Councillors, view contact information and the Councillor’s Register of Interests.

Local History

Local History

Our area has a fascinating history. Visit our History page to find out more about the history of our Parish.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Checkout all the upcoming events in our locality. Get involved with your local community. Click the link below to find out more.

Recent Documents

Recent Documents

View and download recent documents including agendas, minutes and financial reports.