Great Yeldham Education Foundation – Charity No. 310839

Great Yeldham Education Foundation – Charity No. 310839

The parents of children resident in the parish of Great Yeldham who will have children leaving primary school this year to attend secondary education are eligible to apply to the Foundation for a grant towards their child’s school uniform.  Please note: Residency in the parish is determined by your name being on the current edition of the Register of Electors for Great Yeldham.

The closing date for applications is Thursday 11th July 2024 at 12 noon. Successful applicants will be notified by Thursday 25th July 2024.  Please complete the Education Foundation Application Form (PDF) or Education Foundation Application Form (Word) and return to the Clerk, Great Yeldham Education Foundation, Reading Room, High Street, Great Yeldham, Halstead CO9 4ER or email 

All grants offered to successful applicants are provided by way of a grant payment. Successful applicants can then purchase the child’s appropriate uniform from their chosen retailer .


Cllr Anne Burrows (Chairman)

Cllr Georgina Burr

Cllr John Marks

Cllr Gary Theobald