Braintree District Council issues thanks to residents, parish and town councils and communities for sharing initial feedback on its updated Local Plan looking forward to 2041.
Braintree District Council issues thanks to residents, parish and town councils and communities for sharing initial feedback on its updated Local Plan looking forward to 2041, as it now works to understand the recent planning changes from government and their impact on the production of the refreshed Local Plan.
Early engagement on the council’s Local Plan has been underway, which closes today (Friday, 16 August), encouraging residents, businesses and communities to share their ideas and suggestions on what they think should be considered in the updated Local Plan. Comments received will be considered by the council as part of the plan’s review process.
The council’s current Local Plan is designed to run until 2033 but has to be reviewed and updated, if necessary, at least every five years. Braintree District Council adopted its current Local Plan in 2021.
The review of Braintree’s Local Plan will extend its timeframe from 2033 to 2041, looking at growth options post 2033 to meet evolving longer-term needs of communities.
The document determines which parts of the district are allocated for housing, employment and community facilities, as well as identifying where no development can take place to protect important open spaces and the environment.
As a result of the recent government announcements around the proposed planning reforms, the council has the opportunity to review its Local Plan timetable. A revision to this timetable will ensure that the council can consider the implications of potential changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The central government announcement may also mean that the council is required to review its proposed housing provisions to take on an increased number of homes in the district.
A revised local development scheme, formally setting out the council’s timetable towards a submission of an updated local plan in compliance with the proposed NPPF, will be discussed at a Local Plan Sub-Committee on 16th September 2024.
Councillor Gabrielle Spray, Cabinet Member for Planning at Braintree District Council, said: “Work is continuing in the background to progress with our Local Plan Review, including gathering evidence to shape an updated plan – it’s crucial we have an up-to-date plan to make sure sustainable development is properly planned in the district and in the best locations.
“A huge thank you to everyone who has shared initial ideas and suggestions as part of our early engagement. It’s important we now take time to reflect on the recent government revisions to the NPPF and wider planning reform and consider any implications this has on our plan.
“We really want communities’ input throughout the process to ensure the plan reflects local need and aspirations. Within our revised local plan timetable, there will be further opportunities for residents to have their say and help shape the vision and policies in the updated Local Plan.”
Residents can keep updated on the review by following the council on social media, visiting their website at and signing up to its dedicated planning email newsletter at
Braintree District Council originally had a deadline of submitting a refreshed Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate by 30th June 2025. The recent central government announcements mean they are giving local planning authorities an extended period for submitting local plans under the current system until December 2026.