

Dog Fouling

Latest Update:

Following on from the meeting held with residents on the 16th May 2019. A further follow up meeting was arranged with Mark Carlo, Braintree District Council’s Dog Warden to discuss progress to date and follow up actions. A village meeting was organised for Thursday 11th July 2019 at 7.00pm in the Reading Room.  Only 1 resident attended the meeting, therefore it was agreed to cancel the meeting. 

Actions to date:

  • Dog Bag Dispenser installed on Bowtells Meadow, the Sports and Recreation Ground and foot path from St Andrew’s School to Duncan Rise (located near School side entrance gate)
  • ‘We’re Watching You’ posters displayed around prominent areas of the village.
  • Volunteer Group undertake 4 week period of monitoring and recording of data  in 4 areas

Previous Meetings Held: 16th May 2019, 5th June 2018, 1st May 2018

This poster is from the Keep Britain Tidy.

Media focus is based around a case study on a toddler, Aimee, who hit news headlines after falling in dog poo and losing partial sight in her eye after suffering with toxocariasis.

Toxocaracanis is a roundworm found in dogs. Roundworm eggs are found in dog faeces, which can easily be picked up by young children. This can result in stomach upsets, sore throats, asthma and in rare cases blindness. The eggs can remain active in the soil for many years, long after the dog mess has weathered away. The eggs do not mature until 2-3 weeks after they have been deposited in dog faeces, so prompt clearance reduces the risk of the illness being passed to humans. This highlights how important it is for dog owners to worm their dog so that the risk of toxocariasis is diminished.

If you are a dog owner or walker then you must pick up your dog’s mess if it fouls in certain public places.

Within Gt Yeldham the public places include all our roads, pavements, open spaces and verges, the Sports and Recreation Ground, the Play Park area, the Cemetery and every footpath.  These are covered by the Public Spaces Protection Order (Dogs) 2017 – Braintree District Council.

Dogs are specifically excluded from the Childrens’ Playground in Bowtells Meadow.

Please report any dog fouling incidents by contacting Braintree District Council, Customer Service Centre or completing the report a dog fouling offender form.

It is an offence to not clear up after up after your dog forthwith. Any person over the age of 18 found to have committed this offence can be served with a £50 fixed penalty notice. Failure to pay the notice within the required timescale can lead to court action where if found guilty, the offender can be fined up to £1000 and pay costs as awarded by the court.

Anyone under the age of 18 may be given a warning and a letter sent to the parents/guardians.

The absence of litter bins and/or dog-waste bins is not a reasonable defence against the offence of littering. There are lots of dog poo bins around the village which have been carefully located where dogs are most commonly exercised. If you believe one is required in a particular location, or if you notice one is damaged please contact the Parish Clerk

Dog Poo Bin Locations:

  • Armstrong Way (Highfields)
  • Bowtells Meadow
  • Bridge Street by Bus Shelter
  • Churchfields by railings
  • Duncan Rise railings
  • Footpath 10 (Whitlock Drive exit onto footpath near BT Exchange)
  • Highfields
  • Leather Lane
  • Sports & Recreation Ground near main entrance