Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish Council have been working towards developing a Neighbourhood Plan for the village. Although this project is Parish Council led it will involve the community.
The Neighbourhood Plan will set out planning policies for Gt Yeldham which will be used to decide whether to approve planning applications. The Plan will involve and be written by the local community, the people who know and love the area, rather than the Local Planning Authority. The Plan will ensure the community gets the right types of development, in the right place.
Progress and actions to date
On 16th June 2017, the Parish Council received notice from Braintree District Council that the neighbourhood area application covering the extent of Great Yeldham was approved.
- A village meeting held on Wednesday 12th July 2017 and was facilitated by Jan Stobart from the RCCE and was attended by 15 parishioners.
- Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group established. Meetings held 21st September 2017 and 19th October 2017
- Neighbourhood Plan Committee was established, terms of reference adopted 5th October 2019.
- St Andrews and Acorns Pre-School Neighbourhood Plan Drawing Competition – children invited to draw what they like about the village and their ideas for things that could be better. Entries were displayed on the 12th April 2018 in the Reading Room.
Unfortunately progress towards the Neighbourhood Plan have been put on hold due to Parish Council resources and not having enough volunteers to help take the plan forward.
Parish Plan
Parish Plan Update Feb 2018 Since 2014 the action list has been monitored and updates have been reported regularly at Parish Council meetings. Many of the concerns that were identified by residents have led to tasks that are now part of the day-to-day activities of the Parish Council and work will be ongoing in these areas. One way in which the community can have a real say in the future growth of the village is through the production of a Neighbourhood Plan. The next steps will be for the Parish Council and the community to develop a Neighbourhood Plan.
Great Yeldham Parish Plan was launched on the 5th March 2014 and distributed to every household in the village. This is the result of a lot of hard work by a few people and a lot of co-operation from village residents.