Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges

Great Yeldham Lawn Cemetery and Glades Natural Burial Ground

Fees and Charges as at the 1st April 2018

  • Local Residents: Great Yeldham. Or the deceased lived in Gt Yeldham for five or more years but moved involuntarily. For example for the need to receive residential care in another area immediately prior to the date of death.
  • Fees do not include the cost of digging a grave, please arrange with the undertaker.


Interment in Burial Plot  9’ x 4’ with EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS OF BURIAL PURCHASED (not exceeding 50 years)

Great Yeldham Local Residents

Non- Residents

Still Born under 1 month £200.00 £300.00
Burial under 18 £450.00 £675.00
Burial 18 years an over – single depth £650.00 £975.00
Burial 18 years an over – double depth £975.00 £1500.00
Cremated Remains (into existing burial plot, includes re-opening) with exclusive right already in ownership £250.00 £375.00
To re-open a grave (with exclusive right already in ownership) £150.00 £225.00
Renewal/extension of exclusive right of burial for each 5 years £100.00 £125.00


Interment in Ashes Plot      1’.2” x 2’.6” x 2’.6” WITH EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS OF BURIAL PURCHASED (not exceeding 50 years)

Great Yeldham Local Residents

Non- Residents

Cremated remains – single £500.00 £750.00
Cremated remains – double £750.00 £1125.00
To re-open grave (with exclusive right already in ownership) with Funeral Director preparing plot £150.00 £225.00
To re-open grave (with exclusive right already in ownership) with Parish Council preparing plot £200.00 £275.00
Renewal/extension of exclusive right of burial for each 5 years £100.00 £125.00


with EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS OF BURIAL PURCHASED (not exceeding 50 years)

(Primrose and Poppy Glades are currently open for interments)

Great Yeldham Local Residents

Non- Residents

Burial – single depth (no double interment) £700.00 £1050.00
The Glades Memorial stone tablet £250.00 £250.00
Scattering of Ashes (Bluebell Glade) £100.00 £150.00
Renewal/extension of exclusive right of burial for each 5 years £100.00 £125.00


Great Yeldham Local Residents*

Non- Residents

Headstone not exceeding 3’ ft or 36 inches (H) x 2’.6” ft 0r 31.2 inches (W) x 1’.9” ft or 22.8 inches (D) (The Lawn Cemetery) £150.00 £150.00
Flat Stone Memorial 1’2 ft or 14.4 inch (H) x 2’.6” ft or 31.2 inches (W) x 2’.6” ft or 31.2 inches (W) for Ashes Plot (Garden of Remembrance) £165.00 £165.00
(First Inscription included in above fee)
For each subsequent inscription £60.00 £60.00




Pre reservation includes the plot of land (assigned at time of burial). A reservation fee will be payable to the burial authority. There will be a balance payable to the burial authority on the difference between the reservation fee (at date of reservation) and the interment fee (charged at the time of burial).  You have the right to cancel a reserved burial plot and receive a full refund, provided that you do so within 28 days of making the reservation. Requests for refunds after this date will be subject to a cancellation fee, such that refunds will be made as follows: Cancelling within 28 days – full refund. Cancelling within 1 year – 80% refund, after a year non refundable. Graves / Ashes Plot are dug at double depth allowing for two interments, except the Glades single interment only.  The reservation will normally last for a maximum of 10 years. The owner will be contacted after the ten year period to ascertain whether a further reservation period is required, there is no additional cost to renew the reservation period.  Failure to respond/renew reservation the plot will revert back to the burial authority.  This is to avoid blocking spaces in the burial grounds for unduly long periods of time.  The Applicant purchases the rights to that burial site therefore becoming the burial rights holder.  The land remains in the administration of Great Yeldham Parish Council.  However, only the burial rights holder can authorise burials and memorial additions.

Pre-Reservation Fee Great Yeldham Local Residents* Non- Residents
The Lawn Cemetery Earthen Grave 9’ x 4’  Single £650.00

Double £975.00

Single £975.00

Double £1500

Garden of Remembrance Ashes Plot 2’.6” x 2’.6” Single £500.00

Double £750.00

Single £750.00

Double £1125.00

The Glades Natural Burial Ground £700.00  



Memorial Bench Scheme

Bench, Fixings, Graving and Installation. Memorial bench fees will cover the cost of bench, delivery, carved inscription/bronze plaque; the install of concrete platform and bench.


Memorial Bench Plaque

Bronze plaques will be inscribed with the deceased’s name, date of birth and date of death and fixed to the allocated bench within this scheme.  Plaques measure 15cm (6ins) x 10cm (4ins). The 10 year lease agreement is for the plaque on the bench only. A maximum of 8 memorial plaques may be attached to each bench.

A bronze plaque can be purchased for £395.00 on a 10 year lease

A renewal lease will be available, price on application of renewal.

Memorial Plaque (Bluebell Glade)

Bronze plaques will be inscribed with the deceased’s name, date of birth and date of death and fixed to fence surrounding the Bluebell Glade. Plaques measure 15cm (6ins) x 10cm (4ins).


A bronze plaque can be purchased for £395 on a 10 year lease.

A renewal lease will be available, price on application of renewal.

Other Administration Fees:
Exclusive Rights of Burial – Transfer or Copy Fee – £20.00
Process Applications for Plot Reservations – £20.00
Searches of register books and for copies and extracts to be taken – £50.00
Cancellation of deeds £100.00