At the Public Meeting held on the 18th January 2024, members of the public were informed about Essex Highways plans for reconstructing Churchfields Bridge and the draft proposal to create a new access road to connect “Churchfields” Road to Church Road.; with the existing bridge being used for pedestrian access only with vehicle access over the bridge restricted by installing lockable bollards.
The presentation can be downloaded at Chruchfields Bridge Scheme Summary and Church RD / Churchfields Proposed Access
PLEASE NOTE the presentation is a working copy and will be subject to changes as the scheme progresses. It is also intended to be printed at A1 or A0 so the scale of the text will likely be too small to read when printed on A3 or A4 paper but the PDF can be read in digital form using the zoom +/-
The Parish Council will be collating comments raised by residents into consideration moving forwards. These will be passed onto Essex Highways. If you wish to make comments please email to by Friday 9th February 2024
List of comments, questions & issues raised at the meeting:
- The location of the proposed new turning circle appears to impact on the current playground area – is this correct? Concerns that the turning area will take up a large area of the Play Park and will end up being used as a parking area particularly for larger vehicles, will need parking restrictions to stop this.
- What lighting is proposed, for safety purposes, at the point that the proposed new Churchfields access meets Church Road?
- What does the current traffic data tell us about the use of Church Road, and has this been taken into account? It seems to be getting busier and busier.
- Linked to 3 above, there is also concern over how the proposed new road will impact on the farm entrance on the other side of the road (heavy plant machinery and lorries)
- There is currently a ‘concrete slab’ placed at the corner of Bowtell’s Meadow on Church Road to deter travelling groups from coming on to the site. How will ECC ensure that a deterrent remains in place during and after the proposed works?
- Can the proposed fence line be extended?
- The proposed 2 traffic islands (A1017) is close to the existing islands and the access to Nun’s Green – has this been taken account of in drawing up the plans?
- Will there be parking restrictions in the new road? Church Road is already very busy with school traffic and parking every morning and afternoon, and the new road is likely to face the same problem, which will impact on Churchfields residents.
- There will be a loss of parking space for the residents living in the bungalows.
Essex Highways will keep us updated on any major changes to the scheme, any proposal will need to comply with Planning, Environment Agency, Utilities and Road Safety Audit requirements. Updates will be uploaded to the website and further meetings.